A-Z Animals provided the majestic red deer stag in ‘The Queen’ for one of the film ‘s seminal moments.
I remember the telephone call from the producer……… “we have this red deer stag sequence to shoot with Helen Mirren playing The Queen and we’re not sure how to do it”. Deer are very particular and require profound knowledge on the part of the trainer/coordinator.
We get a lot of calls like the one above. That’s to say, the client needs accurate advice on the “how,” which is based on decades of high-grade experience and a deep knowledge of the animal context, environment and setting. That’s the added value we bring to each and every client – thats our X factor.
In the movie, the Queen damages her Land Rover while crossing a river and is forced to telephone for assistance. She weeps in frustration, but catches sight of a majestic Red Deer which Prince Philip, William, and Harry have been stalking. She is struck by his beauty and the two stare at each other. Hearing a distant gunshot, she shoos the stag away.